The Parochial Church Council (PCC) meets several times a year to discuss and decide issues relating to the running of St Mary’s Church, Almeley. The Vicar and Churchwardens are ex-officio members, with the remaining members being elected at the Annual Meeting.
Parochial Church Council
(click any link for contact details)
Marcus Small (Vicar)
Rev.Katie Smith
Judy Hayes (Churchwarden)
Secretary (Vacant at present)
Edna Hughes (Flowers & Parish Roll Officer)
Di Brain (Musical Director)
Glynn Bailey (Parish Data Protection)
Shirley Tully (Treasurer)
Sally Tuffs
Sandra Sennett
Elizabeth Shayler
The members of the Parochial Church Council are trustees of St Mary’s church charity, much as governors of a school are responsible for the general oversight and wellbeing of the school. Trustees are elected by all those on the Electoral Roll of the parish – and anyone who is resident in the parish is entitled to be on the Roll – application forms are available here.
Every year there is an Annual Meeting in the parish at which reports of the previous year’s events are given, and the officers and members of the Parochial Church Council for the coming year are elected. Should you wish to nominate someone for the office of Churchwarden, or as a member of the PCC the form for nomination as a member can be found here and the form for nominations as churchwarden can be found here.
Nomination forms should be returned to the Secretary.
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